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London Premier Laser & Skin Blog

Day: September 19, 2014

The Best Treatments to Beat Pigmentation

Searching for a treatment for skin pigmentation can feel like a never ending journey to those who are affected by this annoying condition. There are many “old wives” treatments and many over the counter creams and lotions which purport to successfully erase darker patches of skin but there are few treatments like this which will…

What Is Pigmentation and What Causes It?

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] Pigmentation literally means colouring and when we’re talking about skin pigmentation it includes the natural or irregular colouring which appears on the face or body. There are various disorders which affect skin pigmentation and they’re caused by different factors. Some severe skin pigmentation issues occur due to autoimmune conditions, hormonal changes and even shock;…

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