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London Premier Laser & Skin Blog

Category: Acne skin condition

Best winter skin treatments

Sunshine leaves us earlier… Roads get frosty early in the morning… And now you can see your breath outside…. Say hello to winter. During the colder months, our bodies go through many changes to adapt to the weather and to help us survive this season easier. Our metabolism works faster to keep us warm. Less…

10 Benefits Of Hydrafacial

Hydrafacial, also known as the Hollywood facial, has been one of the biggest skincare revolutions in the beauty industry. You’ve probably seen a famous model or a singer talking about Hydrafacial. Or realised a sudden glow on your friends face after she tried it. Over 2 million treatment performed over the world, hydrafacial is getting more…

How To Get Rid Of Love Handles

A question that many of our clients have is How to get rid of love handles? Love handles, muffin tops, baby fat, potbelly… No matter which name you use, the excess fat on flanks doesn’t sound nice. Our bodies store the extra fat for energy. Where it is stored depends on genetics and lifestyle. When…

NHS and key workers giveaway

NHS and key workers giveaway In the past few months, we’ve all been through a lot.  We couldn’t leave our houses, had our struggles with video meetings, tried to cut our own hair, and had many changes in our normal lives.  But while we were safe at home, we had our heroes out there who…

Which facial treatment to choose? Hydrafacial Vs. Chemical Peels

Why do we need a facial? We all want to have glamorous skin. But what determines a great skin? An even skin tone, the regular skin texture, well-hydrated complexion, no noticeable pores, no marks, no spots… Did you know our skin constantly renews itself. The new skin cells are made on the lower layers of…

Three common myths about acne and two truths

Acne – who needs it?  No one wants it.  It can be, however, a fact of life that many of us have to deal with.  Products and techniques have been fashioned to help ease the burden of caring for acne-prone skin, however there are still many myths around acne, not all of which are true,…

Simple skincare for acne prone skin – Home care and clinical treatments

We all seek a perfectly peachy complexion, such as those in glossy, airbrushed magazine photos that we see every day. But the truth is, for the majority of us, completely perfect skin is about as achievable as that perfect bikini body. Take off the makeup, and most of us have plenty of minor imperfections in…

The truth about skin peels

When you think of the term ‘skin peel’, you probably imagine the application of harsh, damaging chemicals, resulting in the skin physically peeling off. And in some cases you would be right. Some types of skin peels are incredibly invasive, using painful acids to strip back the skin and promote collagen growth. A deep or…

Find Out Which New Acne Treatment Could Rid Spots For Good!

Say Goodbye To Those Horror Moments The thing about spots are that they literally appear at the most inconvenient times.  We have all experienced the horror of waking up one morning and looking in the mirror only to see what can only be described as the biggest, red monstrosity taking refuge on the side of…

4 Things You Should Think Twice About Before Using On Your Skin

We’ve all been through our fair share of skin products, trying everything from anti-ageing ‘miracle cures’ to serums with plant extracts that claim to be 98% natural. Some stand by a big price tag, believing that paying more guarantees more. And then some claim to make their skin baby soft with only what’s in their…

Getting Rid of Acne Scarring: What Are Your Options?

Acne is the UK’s most common skin condition, and involves spots and cysts developing on the face, and sometimes back and chest. Acne is often attributed to increased levels of testosterone when it occurs in the teenage years, but it can also run in families, and women in particular often experience it when they experience…

Beat Acne With These Surprisingly Killer Tips

Acne is a very common skin condition amongst teenagers and young adults, which could even continue for many years. Skin glands naturally release sebum that offers protection to your face and body. However, too much of this being produced during puberty can block pores in the skin, creating irritation and the development of acne. During…

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