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Skin Deep News by Premier Laser

Category: Plasma Pen

Banish Your Eye Bags!

Imagine this scenario. You put in a good eight hours with your head on the pillow the night before your job interview. You wake up the next morning hoping to look great, but when you glance in the mirror, there are those frustrating bags under your eyes again. What are you doing wrong? Why won’t…

7 Flying Beauty Tips To Keep You Looking Your Best

Whether you are making your commute to a work meeting or you are jetting off to somewhere warm to avoid the harsh UK winter weather, there are certain dos and don’t when it comes to your skin care regime. The most important thing is to always plan in advance in order to look your best at all…

How To Get Rid Of Eye Bags

Unwanted extra baggage or “pouches” beneath your eyes, known as under-eye bags, can cause you to look permanently tired. It can bring unwanted self-issues, affect your self-confidence and be time-consuming if you were to try and cover it up. It is especially disheartening if you are in good health and feel energised but your outward…

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