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London Premier Laser & Skin Blog

Category: Stemcell Anti-Ageing Peel

Peels For Younger-Looking Healthier Skin

Do you want your skin to look younger and fresh without surgery? Or maybe you’re sick of the countless failed attempts of forcing down a green kale smoothie each morning. With Premier Laser and Skin’s natural infused peels there is no need to go under the knife for flawless younger looking skin. Check out our…

The truth about skin peels

When you think of the term ‘skin peel’, you probably imagine the application of harsh, damaging chemicals, resulting in the skin physically peeling off. And in some cases you would be right. Some types of skin peels are incredibly invasive, using painful acids to strip back the skin and promote collagen growth. A deep or…

3 Simple Tricks to Pause the Ageing Process

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]There’s a lot of nonsense spoken about the ageing process these days; be it the purists who say that ageing “gracefully” is the only way to do it (since when did crow’s feet ever look graceful or ageing hands?) or the hardcore anti-ageing brigade who believe that we should all be as smooth and blemish-free as…

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