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CoolSculpting Bra Fat

Coolsculpting fat freezing is a permanent fat reduction treatment if you are looking for subtle improvements in your appearance. If you want to contour and sculpt your body into your ideal shape and proportions you will be excited by the possibilities that Coolsculpting offers.

How much is Coolsculpting?

Coolsculpting prices are calculated per cycle. For example, if you wanted your arms treated that would require two cycles. One cycle for the left arm and one cycle for the right arm. The same is true for anybody part where left and right sides are treated. The most popular treatment in the UK is for 4 cycles.

Prices are subject to consultation depending on size, area and amount of cycles needed.

We are happy to price match against any London clinic, simply present your quote during your consultation. We also offer 0% Coolsculpting finance and Go Cardless Direct debit option.

CoolSculpting Bra Fat

CoolSculpting Bra Fat eliminates the fat that builds up over time and prevents you from wearing your favourite outfits. Bras become a nuisance and shirts get tighter once bra fat is visible.

CoolSculpting Bra Fat targets this area and uses unique cooling technology to freeze fat cells, reducing stubborn fat and achieving a sculpted appearance.

Reduced the extra bra fat from with our effective non-surgical CoolSculpting treatments for the abdomen

This targeted treatment is non-invasive treatment with noticeable results in 6-12 weeks. Fat freezing treatment on the arm is a great treatment for clients looking to lift and reduce fat. 

Book your complimentary consultation with one of our consultants and get you tailor made treatment plan for CoolSculpting on the arms.

Fat freezing removes up to 30% stubborn fat cells, helping to reduce the excessive bulge and transform your bra fat area.

What to expect at your CoolSculpting consultation?

The complimentary assessment by our team of experienced CoolSculpting practitioners will determine if you are a candidate for CoolSculpting Bra Fat Treatment. By assessing the amount of pinchable fat that you have on your stubborn arm fat, they will evaluate if it is worth treating that area. If you are eligible for the treatment, you can get it done in the same day as your consultation without being put on a waiting list.

How does CoolSculpting Bra Fat work?

The CoolSculpting hand-piece is placed over the unwanted fat area between the arm and breast to be treated and left for 45 minutes. During this time, you can enjoy complimentary Netflix & Wifi, rest, read, check your emails or even take a nap!  The treatment will start by freezing the stubborn fat in the double chin area causing permanent elimination to the fat cells which then gets processed through your body’s natural process of eliminating by flushing the dead cells out from the body.

CoolSculpting Near me

Premier laser and skin clinic is CoolSculpting Treatment is located in the City of London – Liverpool Street EC1 , within a few minutes walk from Liverpool Street Station 

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Is Coolsculpting suitable for me?

The Coolsculpting is a non-surgical fat-reduction procedure is specially designed for you if you have unwanted double chin for a sculpted jawline.

Unlike weight-loss surgery (e.g. gastric bypass), CoolSculpting is not a weight-loss solution for obese people.CoolSculpting reduces stubborn Fat areas up to 30% by destroying the fat cells and permanently removing the fat from the body.

How does Coolsculpting work?


Consultations take place in a relaxing atmosphere with your Coolsculpting practitioner. Your Coolsculpting practitioner will take the time to discuss a holistic approach to your goals for reshaping your body.

Together, you’ll look at your whole body from different angles, then focus on specific areas where you want to eliminate fat. Your practitioner will go through what to expect on the day and talk you through the process step by step. You will also get to see before and after pictures and discuss financing options if required.


During a Coolsculpting session, you can sit back and relax while the cooling applicators go to work freezing and destroying your fat cells. To get started the pads use a gentle suction motion to attach to you and you may feel a moment’s mild discomfort but the gentle suction and cooling sensations will eventually go numb.

The Coolsculpting suites at Premier Laser Liverpool Street, London and soon to open Bromley clinic in Kent, are designed to make you feel comfortable and relaxed. Refreshments are provided to make your session as unhurried and easygoing as possible.

You can also use your mobile phone, laptop or tablet to catch up with work, watch a movie or chat and message friends. They won’t interfere with the Coolsculpting equipment. Or you can simply chill out while the applicators busily work away transforming you.


Follow Up Treatment & Consultation:

At your consultation, the senior practitioner will asses your love handles (flanks) and your desired goals and treatment plan. Then at your first treatment, your photograph will be taken and documented to track your fat reduction journey and ensure you get the desired results.

The second photograph will be taken 6 weeks post-treatment; at this stage, you are able to have a second session if you desire. 

Where can I have Coolsculpting?

You can target many problem areas with Coolsculpting, it has different sized applicators for specific areas. Coolsculpting can treat visible fat bulges in the following areas:

Under the chin: Chin fat or ‘Double chin’ can be effectively treated with Coolsculpting. The results can really transform your face. Smaller suction pads destroy fat cells in this stubborn area removing them for good.

Outer & Inner Thighs: Define your legs and look and feel more comfortable in your shorts, trousers or gym wear. Achieve your goal whether it’s focusing on your saddlebags or ‘thigh gap’.

Abdomen: This is the most common treatment area for men and women as everyone wants to lose those spare rolls and have a flatter stomach.

Flanks (love handle): One of the first area fat goes to for many, it can be harder to remove then belly fat. Popular with men, Coolsculpting offers an effective solution for your love handles.

Bra fat: Bra fat can be targeted with pinpoint precision allowing you to wear your clothes with more confidence.

Back fat: Smaller suction pads can target back fat, permanently destroying fats cells so it will no longer spill over with any outfit you choose to wear.

Underneath the buttocks (or banana rolls): The intergluteal fold or banana roll is located underneath the buttocks. It’s another area where stubborn fat likes to hideaway. Coolsculpting smooths out your banana rolls, banishing fat for good and giving you that beach body confidence.

Upper arms: Arm fat or ‘bingo wings’ can be a problem area. Results can be seen from as little as one 35 minute Coolsculpting session.

Frequently Asked Questions

Does Coolscuplting actually works?

Clinical research evaluating the success and safety of Coolsculpting has produced over 50 publications. Coolsculpting is also FDA approved. Coolsculpting and forms of cryolipolysis are not meant for massive weight loss. And you need to remove a lot of fat if you want to see a difference on your scales as remember muscle weighs more than fat. With Coolsculpting you are losing up to 30% of fat in a handful of tissue, so it won’t add up to much on the scales but it does tackles the areas that count like fat spilling over the top of your jeans, bra fat, bingo wings, chin or inner thighs. Most people are looking for better proportions at their current weight so not looking to lose masses of kilos. They are happy if the Coolsculpting allows them to have dropped one or two sizes in clothing.

Who should not do Coolsculpting?

Coolsculpting is not for everyone. You should not have Coolsculpting if you suffer from: cryoglobulinaemia, cold agglutinin disease, oparoxysmal cold haemoglobinuria. Coolsculpting is also not a treatment for obesity. As with any medical procedure, ask your doctor if Coolsculpting is right for you.

How much does Coolsculpting cost?

The price for Coolsculpting varies depending on the areas treated, the size of these areas and the amount of fat in these areas. Scroll down to the end of the page for Coolsculpting pricing and our great low price introductory offers.

What is Coolsculpting?

Coolsculpting is a leading non-invasive fat-reduction treatment. Non-invasive means that there is no surgery involved unlike Liposuction. It’s an innovative way to shape and contour your body by freezing unwanted fat. There is minimal expected downtime so you can walk out after your session and continue with your day. More than 7 million Coolsculpting treatment cycles have been performed worldwide.

How is it different than Liposuction?

Liposuction is a type of cosmetic surgery that removes fat from the body in an attempt to change its shape. Unlike Coolsculpting which is non-invasive liposuction is invasive and serious complications include deep vein thrombosis, organ perforation, bleeding, and infection can occur.

With Coolsculpting there is no need for anesthesia whereas with Liposuction the procedure may be performed under general, regional, or local anesthesia.

Liposuction involves using a cannula and negative pressure to suck out fat whereas Coolsculpting involves placing a cooling pad on the surface of the skin.

With Liposuction, you will need a few days to recover and may need someone with you during the procedure to help you afterwards as you may awaken feeling dizzy and discombobulated. With Coolsculpting you can attend sessions by yourself and resume normal life immediately afterwards.

Am I a good candidate for Coolsculpting?

The Coolsculpting fat-reduction procedure is specially designed for you if you have unwanted fat in specific areas like the waist, arms, thighs or chin.

Unlike weight-loss surgery (e.g. gastric bypass), Coolsculpting is not a weight-loss solution for obese people.

Good candidates for Coolsculpting have bulges in targeted areas they want to get rid of and many people want a non-surgical alternative to liposuction.

Can Coolsculpting reduce fat anywhere on my body?

Coolsculpting can treat visible fat bulges:

  • Under the chin
  • Thigh
  • Abdomen
  • Flanks (love handle)
  • Bra fat
  • Back fat
  • Underneath the buttocks (or banana rolls)
  • Upper arms

Your practitioner will create a customised treatment plan that’s tailored to your body and your personal goals.

I don’t like my double chin. Can Coolsculpting help me lose it?

Yes, Coolsculpting can treat visible fat bulges under the chin. Freezing away fat from a double chin is as easy as using Coolsculpting on other parts of the body (e.g., abdomen, flank/side, thighs).

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Our Skin experts are available across 10 clinics to asses your skin needs & goals and create a tailored plan suitable to your needs.

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