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Minor Surgical Mole Removal

Mole Removal London

Moles are spots on the skin that can appear in different shapes, sizes and colours. They can appear flat on the skin surface or be a raised lump and can appear in all areas of the face and body. It is important to get moles checked out by a doctor if they have a change in appearance but most moles are harmless.

  • Minor Surgical
  • 5-10 mins Treatment time
  • No-Downtime
  • From £250-£1000
  • Free consultation with Medical cordinator
  • Performed by Surgeon Dr.Deniz at Cannon st only
Mole Removal TechniquesMole Removal AftercareMole Removal FAQs

How much does Mole Removal treatment cost?

Mole Removal treatment starts from £500 depending on the scale and area of the body. The best way to obtain a comprehensive quote and guidance on how successful the treatment may be is to book a consultation with a Doctor at our CQC medical registered clinic Derma Revive Skin.

Please note consultation fee with the Doctor is £100 (redeemable against treatment)

Mole Removal Services in London

We partner with Derma Revive Clinic to offer mole removal services in London and other minor surgery treatments. DR. Deniz Kanliada is an award-winning surgeon and ENT specialist, who will be performing this treatment. Contact us for further information or to book a consultation.

What Are Moles and Why Do They Appear?

Moles are spots on the skin that can appear in different shapes, sizes and colours. They can appear flat on the skin surface or be a raised lump and can appear in all areas of the face and body. It is important to get moles checked out by a doctor if they have a change in appearance but most moles are harmless.

Moles are caused by a cluster of melanocytes, which are cells that form to make a pigment appear on the skin. You can experience mole growth from being a baby and it is natural for new ones to form or fade as you age.

Most moles are not considered to be damaging to your health and therefore, people opt to get them removed for cosmetic reasons. Some moles can be a sign of Melanoma and are another reason to get them removed if a person thinks they could be dangerous or changing.

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How Are Moles Removed?

The mole removal method will depend heavily on the size and shape of the mole. Techniques for flatter, smaller moles will not necessarily work for ones that are larger and raised off the surface of the skin. We offer three different methods to ensure we can tailor our approach to our client’s needs.

Radio Frequency

We use various mole removal techniques depending on the area, size and shape of the lesion. This will be different each time, so it is important to have a consultation beforehand.

We use advanced technology in Ellman; RadioSurgery Treatment. The Ellman Surgitron is the latest in diathermy technology and uses radio frequencies to shave down the lesion to the skin’s surface with minimal scarring. This technique offers no downtime and doesn’t damage any of the surrounding skin or tissue.


An excision involves cutting out the mole or lesion and also removing a small amount of the surrounding tissue. This procedure is necessary for moles that have the potential to be harmful, diagnosed cancerous growths, larger moles, and moles that are raised a lot on the skin or skin tags.

This can also be known as an excision biopsy and a doctor will send the removed lesion and tissue for a lab analysis for further investigation. Further testing can determine if a mole is benign or cancerous and offer an official diagnosis.

Shave Excision

This procedure uses a surgical blade to shave off the surface of the mole. It is great for harmless lesions or moles with a slight raise or smaller skin tags. This is a beneficial technique for cosmetic removals and leaves the skin with minimal scarring.

Mole Removal Aftercare

Mole removal is considered a minor, outpatient surgery proce and does come with potential side effects and risks. You could experience infection, scarring, changes to the skin’s pigmentation, bleeding or allergic reactions,, and it’s important to take care of the area after the event.

Major complications are rare for mole removal, but it is important to promote healing by:

  • Keeping the area clean
  • Keep the dressing on and only change when advised by your doctor
  • Apply healing creams or gels (only instructed by your doctor)
  • Avoid applying makeup, skin irritants or harsh chemicals
  • Avoid the sun


What To Expect After a Mole Removal Procedure

Your doctor will provide you with the correct instructions for aftercare. It is important to follow these instructions carefully and avoid touching or picking the area.

You will have follow-up appointments with the doctor or dermatologist to see if the area is healing well. This also gives you the opportunity to talk about any concerns or ask any questions about the healing process. By doing this, you will prevent any side effects or complications.


Book Your Mole Removal Consultation in London

Here at London Premier Laser Clinic, we understand that mole removal is necessary for a variety of reasons, whether you are worried about a mole or for cosmetic purposes. It is highly important to see a specialist that can advise you on the best course of action and techniques. No two moles are the same, so consulting with a specialist will give you tailored advice for the best possible actions and results.

Contact us to book your mole consultation in London and for further information about pricing. Prices start from £250 but can scale up depending on the size, shape and actions necessary for removal.

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Mole Removal London Frequently Asked Questions

Is mole removal available on the NHS?

Mole removal is limited under the NHS and is usually only available to those who have moles or lesions that are a danger. For cosmetic mole removal or for those where there is no concern, you will have to have the treatment separately.

Is mole removal safe?

Mole removal is a safe procedure when carried out by appropriate technology and specialist doctors. Our doctors use techniques and technologies for safe mole removal. Risks and side effects are often minimal, but if you have any concerns after the procedure, we are on hand to help you with any questions.

Do moles grow back after being removed?

It is uncommon for moles to come back after being surgically removed but it is possible. Sometimes, during mole removal, there are cells that are left on the skin that can cause the mole to appear again on the skin. This, however, does not mean that the mole is harmful but it is important to get it checked if you have any concerns.

Does mole removal hurt?

Mole removal is performed under local anaesthetic, meaning you are awake during the procedure but the area is numb. This is done by injection directly in the mole area to make it numb and painless. It is possible you may feel slight movement or discomfort.

How much does mole removal cost?

Prices start from £250 but this can range depending on what is needed to remove the mole effectively. The cost can be dependent on the shape and size of the mole. A £50 charge for a mole removal consultation is applicable but is taken off the procedure price.

Is there any downtime after mole removal?

There is no downtime after having a mole removed. This means you can continue with your usual day-to-day activities after the procedure is done.

Is there scarring after mole removal?

There is usually minimal scarring after a mole removal procedure. If you take the appropriate aftercare steps, scarring is a low risk. Sometimes, there can be a mark where the mole was removed but this often fades over time.

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