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Full Body Laser Hair Removal from £108 a month.

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Located in South West London

Laser Hair Removal Clapham

Laser Hair Removal in Clapham: Safe, effective, and lasting results. Book your session for smoother, hair-free skin today

Laser Hair Removal Pricing

The prices shown have already been discounted by 10%. Discount reflects savings made on single session price when you purchase this package. To purchase Add-ons you must purchase at least 1 standard related treatment.


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All Laser Hair Removal Pricing Here

Prices shown have already been discounted. Discount reflects savings made on single session price when you purchase this package. Discounts applied on courses of 8 and 10 only. We also offer a direct debit option through Klarna which does not require a credit check. Payments can be split into 3 monthly instalments.

Laser Hair Removal in Clapham: Unveil Smooth, Hair-Free Skin

Welcome to the premier destination for Laser Hair Removal in Clapham. Our state-of-the-art clinic is dedicated to helping you achieve your goal of silky-smooth, hair-free skin. Say goodbye to the endless cycle of shaving, waxing, and plucking. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore the benefits, procedure, and why Clapham residents trust us for their Laser Hair Removal needs.

What is Laser Hair Removal?

Laser Hair Removal is a revolutionary, non-invasive procedure designed to permanently reduce unwanted hair. At our Clapham clinic, we use cutting-edge technology, such as the ND: Yag and Alexandrite Gentle Max Pro, to deliver safe and effective treatments. The laser targets the hair follicles’ pigment, damaging them and preventing future growth. Suitable for all skin types, this procedure is ideal for both men and women and can be performed on various body areas.

What Sets Laser Hair Removal in Clapham Apart?

Opting for Laser Hair Removal in Clapham means choosing a trusted and experienced team committed to your satisfaction. Our practitioners understand that each client is unique, and we customise treatments to suit your specific needs and skin type. With our advanced technology and expert staff, you can expect efficient, long-lasting results, freeing you from the constant need for shaving or waxing.

Advantages of Opting for Laser Hair Removal

  • Lasting Hair Reduction: Say goodbye for good to unwanted hair for good with long-lasting results.
  • Accuracy: The laser targets only the hair follicles, leaving the surrounding skin unharmed.
  • Quick and Efficient: Sessions are relatively quick, depending on the treatment area.
  • Minimal Pain: Most clients experience only mild discomfort during the procedure.
  • Versatility: Suitable for various skin tones and hair colours.

The Laser Hair Removal Procedure.

After your laser hair removal session at our Clapham clinic, you’ll receive a consultation to discuss your goals and assess your skin and hair type. During the procedure, a handheld laser device is gently moved over the treatment area. You might feel a slight tingling sensation, but it’s generally well-tolerated. The duration of each session varies based on the treated area. Multiple sessions are typically necessary for optimal results, given that hair grows in different phases.

What to Expect After Treatment 

Following your Laser Hair Removal session in Clapham, you may experience temporary redness or mild swelling in the treated area, which usually subsides within hours. Post-treatment care instructions may include avoiding sun exposure and using gentle skincare products. Over the following weeks, you’ll notice a gradual reduction in hair growth. As your sessions progress, you’ll enjoy the benefits of smoother, hair-free skin.

Experience the convenience and confidence of hair-free skin with Laser Hair Removal in London Premier Laser Clinics Clapham. Our clinic is your gateway to a lasting solution for unwanted hair. Book your free consultation today and embark on a journey to a more carefree you. Say hello to a future free from the hassles of traditional hair removal.

Book your complimentary consultation and patch test at our Clapham Clinic 


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Frequently Asked Questions

How much does laser hair removal cost UK?

The cost of laser hair removal in the UK varies depending on the area being treated, the number of sessions, and the provider chosen. Prices range from £33 to £200 or more per session. Larger areas cost more, and multiple sessions are usually required for best results. Consult Premier Laser Clinics for exact pricing and inquire about package deals or discounts.

Does laser hair removal permanently remove hair?

Laser hair removal is not a guaranteed method for complete hair removal. Its efficacy differs from person to person; depending on factors such as hair colour and skin type, it can offer up to 80% hair reduction. It can significantly reduce hair growth, but some people may need occasional maintenance sessions. It’s important to have realistic expectations and complete the recommended number of treatment sessions for long-term success. Consult with our qualified practitioner to understand what results to expect based on your unique circumstances.

Is laser hair removal worth the money?

Laser hair removal’s value varies based on individual needs and circumstances. Consider long-term cost savings, convenience, reduced skin irritation, improved confidence, personal preference, skin and hair type, and individual goals. Book online a complimentary consultation with our practitioner to assess your needs, understand potential risks and benefits and weigh the cost against the convenience and long-term benefits. Ultimately, the value is subjective and varies from person to person.

Why is laser hair removal so expensive?

Laser hair removal can be relatively expensive due to several factors contributing to the overall cost: advanced technology, specialised training, safety measures, customization, multiple sessions, regulatory compliance, overhead expenses, quality assurance, and licensing and certification. However, it can be cost-effective compared to other hair removal methods in the long run.

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Our Skin experts are available across 10 clinics to asses your skin needs & goals and create a tailored plan suitable to your needs.

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Our Skin experts are available across 10 clinics to asses your skin needs & goals and create a tailored plan suitable to your needs.

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