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Laser Hair Removal For Hirsutism

Laser Hair Removal For Hirsutism

Excessive hair growth is a common concern for many women. Although you may feel worried about having Hirsutism, remember that you are not alone. This medical condition affects between 5-10% of all women. When Hirsutism kicks in, traditional methods such as shaving, plucking and waxing may help in the short term but will not be enough in the longer term. Laser hair removal for Hirsutism is an effective treatment for this condition in addition to medication and other dietary supplements. This article will outline everything about Hirsutism, explain why it’s nothing to worry about and explore why laser hair removal is the best solution.

Table of Contents

What is Hirsutism? 

What Causes Hirsutism?


Laser Hair Removal For Hirsutism

What Is Hirsutism?

Hirsutism is a condition that results in women experiencing excessive hair growth on parts of the body that don’t normally see high levels of hair growth. This condition can occur on the face, chest, stomach, back, legs or buttocks. Hirsutism causes hair growth according to a person’s hormones. We recommend seeing a GP if you suspect that you have this medical condition.

What Causes Hirsutism?

As touched upon above, the main cause of Hirsutism in women is derived from a hormonal imbalance that sees a large number of androgens or an unusual stimulation of hair follicles. Androgens are a collection of male hormones that include testosterone. This explains why Hirsutism sees abnormal growth of hair in regions where males would often see growth. PCOS (Polycystic Ovary Syndrome) is the name given to this causing factor, which can be treated by laser hair removal. Other causes include certain medications, which may be prescribed by doctors. This is why it’s important to visit your GP if you experience Hirsutism symptoms.

What Treatments Are Available for Hirsutism?

Laser hair removal for Hirsutism is by far the most effective treatment as it targets hair growth specifically. However, there are also a number of treatments that can provide additional support. It is worth seeing a doctor, as occasionally the treatment of underlying medical conditions can help treat Hirsutism. Below, we explore three supplements that may help to cure Hirsutism. We also look deeper into laser hair removal as a viable option.


Although medication can help treat Hirsutism, it can often take up to six months to have an effect. This represents the average life cycle of hair follicles, seeing significant change does take time. Medication options include anti-androgens tablets and Eflornithine facial cream for women.


Changes to diets can often have an impact on treating Hirsutism. This medical condition has been linked to women having excess insulin in their diets, which causes increased levels of testosterone. The NHS reports that high levels of insulin are a key causing factor of PCOS. Avoiding fatty and sugary foods and eating fruit and vegetables will address insulin imbalance.


Dietary supplements can also be a useful remedy in combating Hirsutism. Adding vitamin D into your diet can steady the production of androgen, whilst Vitamin B6 helps to reduce testosterone levels. These vitamin supplements can be taken as vitamin pills but are also commonplace in foods including fish, nuts, bananas, broccoli, soybeans and avocado.

Laser Hair Removal

Whilst medication, dietary changes and vitamin supplements can all help to fight the effects of Hirsutism, laser hair removal for Hirsutism is proven to reduce hair by 90% with repeated treatments. The light source generated from the laser heats and ultimately destroys the hair follicles rooted in the skin. This disrupts the hair growth process and consequently combats Hirsutism.

Does Laser Hair Removal Work For Hirsutism?

Laser hair removal for hirsutism is a proven treatment that is ideal for patients who are not satisfied with the outcome of medical therapy. In particular, it provides an effective solution to cases of Hirsutism which are not caused by hormone imbalance and have causes hard to identify. Whereas prescribed medication requires knowledge of the problem to help lessen excessive hair growth, laser hair removal for Hirsutism can get results without needing this information.

How It Works

Laser hair removal works by utilising microsurgery precision aimed light to cause damage to hair follicles. The precision consists of using light that does not impact the skin’s outer layer, with the overall process being known as selective photothermolysis. Once the light is absorbed into the pigment in the hair, the heat subsequently created causes significant damage to the hair follicles, which prevents regrowth from occurring.

How Effective Is It Compared To Other Treatments

One key advantage we have previously outlined about laser hair removal for Hirsutism is that, unlike medication, it can treat a condition without needing to understand the underlying causes. Furthermore, laser hair treatment has almost no risk of skin irritation or damage from shaving. The fact it lowers the probability of hair regrowth by 90% gives a great deal of body confidence.

How Much Does Laser Hair Removal Cost

The cost of laser hair removal for Hirsutism depends upon the body part and the number of sessions required. Our price guide outlines the cost of laser hair removal. We strive to make our prices as affordable and competitive as possible and make sure you receive only the best service.

Book A Free Consultation

Book a free consultation at one of our clinics to see how laser hair removal for Hirsutism is an effective treatment for your condition. Our specialist team has years of experience in delivering effective hair removal treatment in our laser skin clinics throughout London and Surrey. At London Premier Laser, we will create a tailored treatment plan best suited to your condition, which is designed to get optimal results. If you have any further questions about our services or to arrange a consultation, please contact us online or call 0203 871 8218.

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