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Skin Deep News by Premier Laser

Category: Beauty & Skin Care

Quick Christmas Beauty Tips

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]The nights are getting progressively darker, Home Alone will soon dominate our TV screens and John Lewis has released yet another award winning advert which can only mean one thing…it’s nearly CHRISTMAS!!!!! Christmas is only around the corner and with it will come all the festive parties and family get-togethers. Below we have put together some…

Do You Really Know How To Exfoliate?

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]As our skin ages and as winter creeps in, our skin gets less proactive about shedding dead skin cells; result? Dull, dry and flaky skin is hard to apply makeup to and can also contribute to breakouts. Keeping on top of exfoliation is one thing…but are you doing it correctly? Many people make the mistake…

6 Benefits of Pumpkins

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]The irony of the Halloween season is related to that most spooky of fruits…the pumpkin! We spend hours carving the most hideous faces out of their plump, orange flesh and many of us don’t realise that that very flesh could be the key to helping us make the most out of our own faces! Our…

What Type of Pigmentation Do You Have?

Pigmentation of the skin is a misleading phrase…when it’s problematic it is best referred to as hyperpigmentation, the hyper part of the word is describing the fact that there’s too much pigment in that area. All skin contains pigment…as does hair; this is what gives our skin its unique tone and colour. When damage or…

5 Health Benefits Of Jojoba Oil

The Jojoba shrub grows in the harsh climate of the Sonoran Desert where locals have harvested it for centuries for use in preparations which have a number of health benefits and medicinal uses. Today it’s sold widely in the Western World and if you’ve never investigated this magical elixir then you’re missing out! Jojoba is…

Top 20 Skin Cleaning Foods

You are what you eat and if this old adage is true, many of us are made of sugar and spice and all things nice! But in reality, junk food and sugary processed foods are not the best medicine for over-stressed and blemished skin. Your skin is the largest organ you have…and yes, it is…

What Is A Chemical Peel And How Does It Work?

To the uninitiated chemical peels can sound rather barbaric. After all…this is your face we’re talking about here! The thought of adding chemicals which cause peeling to your facial area can sound rather frightening but in fact, chemical peels are highly effective and surprisingly non-painful to undergo.

How To Get Rid Of Eye Bags

Unwanted extra baggage or “pouches” beneath your eyes, known as under-eye bags, can cause you to look permanently tired. It can bring unwanted self-issues, affect your self-confidence and be time-consuming if you were to try and cover it up. It is especially disheartening if you are in good health and feel energised but your outward…

Remove Your Unwanted Birthmark With Laser Treatment

Many people have a birthmark somewhere on their body…just how large or noticeable it is can determine just how comfortable they are with this individual and sometimes annoying phenomenon. Some people feel very self conscious of their birthmarks and strive to hide or cover them; others don’t worry about their marks and accept them for…

The Best Treatments to Beat Pigmentation

Searching for a treatment for skin pigmentation can feel like a never ending journey to those who are affected by this annoying condition. There are many “old wives” treatments and many over the counter creams and lotions which purport to successfully erase darker patches of skin but there are few treatments like this which will…

What Is Pigmentation and What Causes It?

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] Pigmentation literally means colouring and when we’re talking about skin pigmentation it includes the natural or irregular colouring which appears on the face or body. There are various disorders which affect skin pigmentation and they’re caused by different factors. Some severe skin pigmentation issues occur due to autoimmune conditions, hormonal changes and even shock;…

Beauty Mistakes You Probably Weren’t Aware You Were Making

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]When it comes to a good beauty routine, many of us are guilty of relying too much on old habits and not thinking hard enough about what we’re including in our regular wash and brush-up! If you have skin problems then it’s even more important to stay on top of your beauty routine and to…

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