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6 Tips To Protect Your Skin This Winter

6 Tips To Protect Your Skin This Winter

As the chill of winter begins to embrace us, it’s crucial to pivot our attention towards nurturing our skin. Contrary to common belief, skincare isn’t a regimen reserved solely for the sun-drenched days of summer or those idyllic holiday moments. Rather, it’s a year-round commitment, with each season demanding a tailored approach to ensure our skin remains resilient and radiant. Below, we unveil 6 tips to protect your skin this winter, ensuring it stays in pristine condition.

Prioritise Hydration

Quench your skin’s thirst! Dryness is a telltale sign of dehydration. To combat this, ensure you’re drinking ample water before your body even signals its need. This proactive approach is key to maintaining supple, hydrated skin.

Moderate Exfoliation

Winter’s bite often leaves skin parched and fragile, making it susceptible to damage. If your skin is exceedingly dry, consider reducing the frequency of exfoliation to prevent exacerbating dryness, redness, or potential injury from the cold, biting air.

Don’t Skimp on SPF

The sun’s rays are just as potent in winter as they are in summer, with UV radiation reflecting off snowy surfaces, increasing exposure risks. Shield your skin with a high-quality SPF cream to fend off harmful rays, regardless of the season.

Elevate Your Moisturiser

Winter’s wrath can strip your skin of its natural moisture, leading to discomfort and tightness. Transition to a richer, more emollient moisturiser during these months. This upgrade not only bolsters your skin’s hydration levels but also provides a protective barrier against the elements.

Lower Bath Temperature

While a scalding hot bath may seem inviting after a cold day, it can actually do more harm than good. High temperatures can strip the skin of essential oils, leading to dryness and cracking. Opt for warm water to preserve your skin’s natural moisture balance and prevent dehydration.

Choose Gentle Skincare Products

Harsh chemicals can be particularly detrimental during the winter, stripping the skin of its protective barrier. Opt for gentle, nurturing products that support your skin’s health without causing undue stress.

Winter Skin Treatments to Consider


Our Premier Laser & Skin Clinic offers a comprehensive 6-step HydraFacial treatment designed to hydrate, exfoliate, and detoxify your skin. This treatment is especially beneficial during winter, leaving your skin feeling rejuvenated and deeply hydrated.

Herbal Peels

We specialise in a variety of Herbal peels tailored for the winter season. These treatments are perfect for revitalising sensitive skin, providing a much-needed boost and restoring a luminous complexion.


Our bespoke vitamin cocktail infusions are crafted to replenish your skin’s nutrient reserves, which are particularly vital during the nutrient-depleting winter months. This treatment invigorates the skin, restoring its natural glow and vitality.

Embracing these 6 tips to protect your skin this winter and treatments will not only help you navigate the winter season with confidence but also ensure your skin remains healthy, hydrated, and radiant. Remember, your skin’s needs change with the seasons, and adapting your skincare routine accordingly is critical to maintaining its beauty year-round.

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