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What is Rosacea – And What Do You Do About It?

Rosacea treatments

Rosacea can be a difficult skin condition to live with. Your face flushes as if you have a sunburn that will not go away; you struggle with red bumps, pimples and/or visible blood vessels. Maybe you feel a persistent stinging, burning or itching sensation or your eyelids become swollen and red. Unfortunately, these are all symptoms of Rosacea.

Rosacea is a relapsing skin condition; you will have periods in which your symptoms are mild, and then “flare-ups” in which they become more severe. The first step is to consult with your doctor; they can examine your skin, rule out other conditions (such as lupus) and determine if you do, in fact, have Rosacea. What next?

  • Learn your triggers. What makes your symptoms worse? For example, do you find they flare up after you eat spicy food or spend time in the sunlight? Other triggers can include: stress, rigorous exercise, hot or cold weather, hot drinks, alcohol and caffeine.
  • Take your medications as directed. Your doctor may prescribe topical gels and creams and/or antibiotics to control your symptoms. There is no cure for Rosacea, but you can manage it.
  • Consider IPL Skin Rejuvenation. Intensive Pulse Light is one of the best ways to treat Rosacea-affected skin. IPL is non-invasive and involves a broad wavelength light being pulsed into the skin. At your treatment, a member of our team will apply a cooling gel to your skin and provide you with protective eye-wear. Next the IPL device emits the pulses of light while you relax. The heat generated targets the damaged skin cells.

At Premier Laser & Skin, we understand that Rosacea can be a difficult condition to live with. But you don’t have to suffer alone; we are here to help. Enquire about IPL today.

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