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How To Stay Looking Young


Ageing is a fact of life, and whether we like it or not, we all have to accept that our face and body will change as the years go by. However growing old gracefully need not mean that you throw out the beauty creams and sacrifice your looks. With some care and attention from your twenties onwards you can delay the ageing process and retain youthful skin that belies your actual age.

Make Sure To Stay Hydrated

The key to looking skin is good hydration. All the lotions and potions in the world cannot replace adequately hydrated skin, so by making sure you get your minimum 2 litres of water a day you will be giving your skin a boost from the inside out.

Good Skin Care Routine

The second most important step in preserving your looks is a great skin care routine. Even for those blessed with blemish free skin, cleansing, toning and moisturising your face twice a day is vital to remove impurities and oils built up over the day and replace lost moisture. Invest in age appropriate quality products with a high percentage of their active ingredient to help protect and nourish your skin to look its very best. To achieve a radiant glow, it is important that you gently exfoliate your skin at least once a week, as this will remove the dead skin cells from the top layer of your skin that create a dull complexion.

Non-Invasive Beauty Treatment

Few people have completely problem free skin, and there are many beauty clinics who can provide professional advice and treatments to tackle tricky areas. But before you consider an invasive treatment why not look at non-invasive skin rejuvenation treatments such as laser therapy? By stimulating collagen production beneath the skin surface, lasers can be successfully used to gently resurface large areas of skin to give a more even, smooth complexion. Laser treatment is particularly effective at reducing the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles and acne scarring, and the effects are very long lasting.

Get Your 8 Hours Of Sleep Every Night

A good night’s sleep is the secret to beautiful skin as it is during the night that your skin works hardest to repair and restore any damage sustained during daily life. Coupled with good hydration and a three step skin care routine, eight hours shut eye will allow your skin to cleverly combat the signs of ageing so that you can keep everyone guessing about your actual age.

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