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Tips to minimise Maskne

Tips to minimise Maskne

What is maskne?

Mask + Acne = Maskne. Maskne occurs whens acne breaks outs result of wearing a mask. Maskne can develop in as quickly as one day of wearing a mask, or after several weeks of mask wearing. Due to COVID-19 it has become an everyday lifestyle to wear a mask to protect ourselves and everyone around us. However, one of the unwanted side effects of wearing masks is that it can cause acne, rashes, redness and breakouts to appear.

Premier laser & Skin has put together top 5 tips to help educate and inform our clients to minimise breakouts.

What causes maskne?

Wearing a mask creates a humid environment that can cause blockage due to mask causing a barrier between the skin and fresh air. Wearing a mask causes sweat, oil and bacteria to build up and this can clog our pores. The weather can influence maskne too. During warmer climates, maskne is most likely to be caused by clogged pores, whereas colder climates maskne is created by friction on dry, sensitive skin.


Top 5 tips to minimise maskne:

1. Gentle Cleanse

Stick to unscented or fragrance-free cleansers, gentle cleansers removes excessive sebum (oil) from the skin and, swear and bacteria. Using scented and fragranced cleansers can be irritating to the skin and make it harder for the skin to heal when we breakout. 

Tips to minimise Maskne

2. Moisturise

Tips to minimise Maskne

Moisture your skin after cleansing and before wearing your mask especially during winter climates to keep the skin hydrated, this will prevent water loss and improve the barrier function of the skin.

This will act as a protective barrier between your skin and your mask and also prevent rubbing which causes irritation, which can lead to skin abrasions and breakouts.

3. Avoid wearing heavy make-up

Tips to minimise Maskne

Avoid wearing heavy make-up or foundation underneath the mask as it may have the potential to lead to spots/acne. Wearing heavy make-up or foundation underneath the mask as it may have the potential to lead to spots/acne due to blockage of pores. You can use a light BB or CC cream as a less harsh alternative. 

4. Keep Hydrated

Tips to minimise Maskne

As much as we can take care of the outside, we need to take care of our inner health. Keeping hydrated throughout the day is essential to keeping skin as hydrated as possible to flush out all toxins and help improve skin’s barrier function. You can also use water face sprays to refresh your skin in-between the day to refresh your skin,


5. Choose the right mask

Tips to minimise Maskne

Choosing the right mask material and fit is essential to not only keeping yourself and other safe throughout covid-19, but also to reduce damage to your skin.

To avoid skin breakouts, choose the right mask by making sure:

  • fits correctly, but not too tight
  • has 2 or more layers of fabric
  • is made of natural, soft fabric (like cotton)

Avoid masks made of synthetic fabrics, such as nylon or rayon. These materials can cause further damage to the skin and cause irritation.

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