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6 Great Ways To Look Great Without Makeup

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Many men and women would agree that a flawless complexion which requires a lot of work and is something to be desired.

Women in particular will put many hours worth of time and a lot of money into producing a flawless look in the morning, by covering their faces with makeup. Concealer, eyeliner, mascara, blusher and bronzer will all be part of many women’s morning skin cover up regime.

Even men have been seen to wear concealer to help disguise uneven skin and blemishes. But is there a way to look good without having to put the slap on?

Here are some tips to getting your skin make up three and looking great, to benefit your health, your confidence and your wallet.

Drink Plenty Of Water

We have all heard that water is good for you, but how much do you really drink? You need to make sure that you have eight glasses of water every day so that your skin can keep hydrated. The problem with many people’s skin is that it is dry, needing motorisation and as a result produces extra sebum. Sebum can block pores and will cause spots and blemishes. By keeping your skin hydrated, you were able to avoid the zits and keep your skin looking fresh.

Get A Good Moisturiser

Linked to the above, getting a good moisturiser is really important. Both men and women should put moisturiser on before they go to sleep. Your skin is most absorbent as you sleep, so by putting it on before you go to bed, you are really doing your skin some good.

Sit Out In The Sun,

but only 20 minutes. Sitting out in the sun (wearing sun cream) is a good way to get vitamin D in your body, and to give your skin a healthy glow. Unfortunately, many people go overboard and sit in the sun for hours. In very intense sun, such as in the summer or in many foreign countries, just 20 min of exposure can give you sunburn, which is really very bad for your skin. However, if you sit out in the sun for just 20 min and then go inside, you can really give your skin a boost. Even sitting in the shade will do you some good. Not only will your skin love you for giving it some much-needed vitamin D, but you’ll start to see a healthy glow which means you can ditch the bronzer and blusher.

Stop Touching Your Face.

It may seem a strange one, but every time you touch your face, you are disturbing the many micro particles that make up this fragile area of your body. Every time you scratch it, pull at it, tug at it or pop a spot, you are really disrupting the skin which can cause you problems later down the line. So just stop touching it, and let it do its thing without your interference.

Exfoliate Once Per Week.

Exfoliating removes the dead cells from your face which leaves your skin looking fresh and radiant. This can leave your skin feeling and looking healthy which when you are looking to go make up free is a little bonus. Just make sure not to scrub too hard or use exfoliate too often as this can have an opposite effect, leaving your skin dry and irritated.

Look After Your Skin From Within

Its amazing just how a change of diet to clean healthy food and drinking at least 3 litres of water a day can have on your skin. Drinking water not only hydrates you but also flushes out any toxins – purifying your skin. Also make sure to get at least 8 hours of undeserved sleep as this is the time your body repairs itself leaving you looking fresh the next morning.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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