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Banish Your Eye Bags!

Dark Eye Circles treatment

Imagine this scenario. You put in a good eight hours with your head on the pillow the night before your job interview. You wake up the next morning hoping to look great, but when you glance in the mirror, there are those frustrating bags under your eyes again. What are you doing wrong? Why won’t they go away?

The Science Behind Bags Under Your Eyes

The skin under your eyes is incredibly delicate, and as a result, it can weaken and sag easily. When it does, fluid accumulates in that spot, and you begin to see swelling you might not see in other places. Heredity plays a role in just how noticeable your bags are, but anyone can get them from a number of different things. Seasonal allergies can cause them, as can problems like sleeping face down. Smoking and alcoholic beverages can cause them too.

What You Can Do Now

There are a number of things you can do to put an end to the problem. Sure, that decent night of sleep helped a lot, but you may need to take things one step further if that’s not enough. A healthy diet can really matter as well. High sodium diets, like the kind found when you eat too much take-away, can cause you to retain water, even under your eyes. Lower your salt intake a bit, and you may find they disappear on their own. Staying hydrated can help too. If you’re not getting your eight glasses of water each day, you’re not doing enough for your skin, and you may experience those bags under your eyes.

Consider a Tear Trough Treatment

If you have a deeper than average tear trough, a dermal filler can help refresh and rejuvenate your eyes. It’s completely non-invasive. During our tear trough treatment, we’ll simply inject a filler with long lasting results that will help minimise the appearance of eyelid bags. Ready to get started? Book your session now.



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