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Reduce Waxing Suffering With These Simple Tips

As a hair-removal technique, waxing isn’t all sweetness and light but many people get into the habit of it and don’t consider other techniques such as laser hair removal which over time actually works out cheaper than waxing. If you’re getting tired of the pain of waxing then read on to get the low-down on waxing as well as the pros and the cons!

There are certain tricks and tips which will can you to avoid some of the pitfalls of waxing but in general it’s a rather violent method of hair removal so some issues are to be expected!

Waxing can cause sore skin

It’s not everyone who is blessed with “tough” skin that can take hot wax being applied and then ripped off! Some people, who have sensitive skin, will find that waxing leaves them with a sore, red area. If your skin is sensitive then have some Aloe Vera gel handy for the after effects! An ice-cold compress can also help to cool the area down once you’ve ripped those hairs out! Pop a damp flannel into the freezer before you start waxing! If you’re planning on tackling a really sensitive place such as your bikini line, then this is doubly important! If you suffer from extra-sensitive skin then it may be time to discuss your options with a laser hair removal clinic. Techniques are so advanced today that there are very few people indeed who aren’t suited to laser treatment.

Bleeding and bruises

Sounds awful right? It’s not very pleasant but it’s true that for some people waxing can leave them with pinprick bruises and can even cause some bleeding from the hair follicles. Well you are tearing out hairs from their roots so it’s hardly surprising! If you do find that your skin reacts in this way it’s important to avoid using any lotions or deodorants on the area immediately after waxing…this will just make things worse and may even cause an infection. Cool the area down with a cold compress and be very careful to remove wax strips close to the skin…lifting and pulling will irritate the area more and put you at more risk of bleeding and bruising.

Ingrown hairs

Waxing increases the chances of ingrown hairs; that’s when the re-growth occurs and the hair pushes in the wrong direction and begins to grow into the surrounding tissue. An ingrown hair causes and itchy red bump usually and can be dealt with by gently squeezing the area…not nice to live with though and very irritating in certain areas as well as an infection risk!


Occasionally some people who undergo waxing can fall prey to a nasty condition called folliculitis; this is when the hair follicle becomes infected. It’s more likely if your skin has bled after waxing; if you think you have an infection it is important to seek a medical professional’s help.

Loss of Elasticity

For those people who undergo waxing on a regular basis for a number of years, there is an increased risk of the treated areas of skin losing their natural elasticity. Pulling and tugging one area repeatedly will eventually damage the spot and sagging may become apparent.

How to avoid the negative effects of waxing

The first thing to remember is to keep your skin very clean prior to treatment. With dirt and bacteria present you are increasing the risk of infection. Avoid direct sunlight for 24 hours after waxing and never wax an area that is sore or has an abrasion. If you are unsure then the best advice is to avoid waxing altogether. Speak to a professional about laser hair removal…it’s longer lasting and of course less painful!



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