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Increase in Male Hair Removal for the Beard & Face

Laser Hair Removal for Beards

Beard laser hair removal

Laser hair removal on men’s beards, beard lines and facial hair has become increasing popular. Male clients are now regulars at London’s top laser clinics.

They have discovered the secret of laser hair removal that women have known for years. Clinics across London are getting used to seeing more men for a range of laser hair treatments, not only beards.

Beard line laser hair removal

Beards have been men’s must-have fashion accessory over the last few years. Nothing makes men more jealous and envious then seeing a well groomed bushy beard stretching for miles on a fellow man.

Some men can only grow wispy, thin, straggly facial hairs making the envy ( and hatred ) even stronger!.

If you have wispy facial hair and don’t have to shave every day, consider yourself one of the lucky ones. Laser hair removal may not be for you. Although there are other areas that may interest you like:

laser hair removal for men Embarrassing hair

There’s nothing worse then having humongous ear hairs or nostril hairs sticking out and no one telling you. Discovering them for yourself and suddenly remembering why everyone was staring at you during your meeting or on the train!.

Laser hair removal is a ‘one and done’ treatment that can save you hours of hassle over the years by not having to tackle these embarrassing hairs or ever having to worry about them again.

Getting back to beards though…

With the beard industry having exploded over the last few years, various creams, gels, lotions and potions have been invented to keep your beard in tip top condition. Although many men look like they have walked of the set of the Game of Thrones, having a beard comes at a cost.

Benefits of facial laser hair removal

While growing a beard can give you a certain rugged appeal, you may want a smoother look.

  • You may want to streamline your daily routine and save time
  • Or maybe you just hate shaving or trimming
  • or had enough of shaving burns and in-grown hairs.
  • enjoy permanent laser hair removal results

Hairs that creep too far up on your face to under your eyes. you know men shouldn’t have hair there!. Looking like an or extra from Planet of the Apes in 2020 isn’t a good look. Whatever the case, laser hair removal is an exceptional and cost effective solution.

Suitable for all skin colours

If you are wondering if laser hair removal will work on your skin type then the good news is it does. Modern dual wavelength lasers like the Candela Gentlemax Pro work on all skin types and tones from light to black skin.

Male model on green background

Why Opt for Laser Hair Removal treatment ?

When it comes to hair removal, women have traditionally made up the majority of the clientele. That has long since changed: More men want hair removal for the beard area for some of the following reasons:

It helps with folliculitis or in-grown hairs.

  • This is a skin condition in which the hair follicles become inflamed. It causes small bumps, which look like pimples, to form. They can be red and itchy, and they can even spread into crusty sores. Permanent laser hair removal can help men deal with this bothersome problem.

It’s great for shaping the beard line.

  • Some men want a neat beard. They can choose to have laser hair removal on just the neck or if their beards come up too high on their cheeks.

It saves masses of time.

  • If you’re sick of daily shaving, and nicks, this is the solution for which you’ve been searching!

Laser hair removal is ideal for transgender people.

  • This technique works for preoperative and postoperative clients who wish to achieve a smooth, hair-free appearance.

pain free

  • Does laser hair removal hurt ? in short no. It may feel like someone is flicking your skin with an elastic band. So not a pain you will have to run back home to tell mummy.

Permanent laser hair removal results

  • Laser hair removal gets rid of hair permanently. It destroys and kills the root of hair. You can experience a 90% in hair reduction which has a huge impact on most peoples every day life.

Mens Beard and face laser hair removal cost

Prices for men’s laser hair removal start from only £22. You will need more then one session for laser hair removal to be effective and pay as you go pricing usually costs more. Pay as you go is normally for people looking to have top up sessions.

Is Laser hair removal the best method?

Beards are typically thick, which hair growth makes them difficult to remove with waxing or depilatory methods. Not to mention painful! Laser hair removal is ideal for permanently reducing this stubborn hair with minimal discomfort.

It also provides a permanent solution, with other methods you will need to do them regularly. Although you may find laser a more expensive solution, over the long term it works out as an excellent investment that pays itself back several times over.

What are the risks to laser hair removal on mens face?

Laser hair removal is a safe and proven procedure. Our lasers at Premier are FDA approved and our staff are some of the most experienced in the industry and have been trusted by thousands of Londoners since 2008 to perform laser hair removal.

Risks include

  • pain
  • discomfort
  • tenderness
  • redness last for some time
  • blistering
  • crusting
  • bruising
  • swelling
  • lightening or darkening your skins pigmentation
  • risk of scarring
  • laser burn from the heat
  • Infections caused by bacteria

Whats the aftercare like?

The treated area may be red and raised rash afterwards for a few hours to a few days.

Apply ice packs regularly as this may help any discomfort. Wear a high factor SPF and avoid sunlight as your skin will be sensitive.

Avoid saunas, steam room and exercise for 48 hours following laser treatment so you don’t irritate your skin.

Next steps

More men are opting for permanent hair removal in the beard as well as other areas. Whether you want to deal with folliculitis or simply hate shaving or want to shape and sculpt the look you are after, consider laser hair removal you most effective solution.

Contact us for a consultation, choose your treatment plan for the area you want treated, and you can get started!







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