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Lipotripsy for Cellulite

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Lipotripsy is a non-invasive treatment that can tone skin and eliminate cellulite. It’s been clinically proved to reduce the marbling pattern that cellulite gives skin. Problem areas can be identified where skin appears to have texture that’s similar to a ripe fruit peel, such as an orange or grapefruit. Lipotripsy is the technique that’s best suited to improve these areas and smooth them.

How Lipotripsy Works

Lipotripsy works by producing radial waves with a probe placed on the surface of your skin. These are waves that emanate from the point of application through the skin. They assist the lymphatic system by flushing fat into it. Your body’s lymphatic system is a network of tissues and organs that rid the body of toxins and wastes. For instance, it absorbs fatty acids and fats from the digestive system, and then transports them. As radial waves are produced, they also stimulate collagen, which can help to tighten skin.

What a Session is Like

A lipotripsy session might feel like an in-depth massage where the probe is applied to skin. It’s painless and usually feels pleasant, like a vigorous massage. Your muscles may feel more relaxed afterward. The desired effect can’t be achieved in a single session, and requires a course of treatment for best results. We usually recommend up to 10 sessions for optimum results depending on the individual. Your expert practitioner will be able to recommend the right amount of treatments for you during your free consultation.

Lipotripsy is a safe, non-invasive, and proved approach to re-toning body areas where cellulite has become apparent. The most popular areas to treat include the thighs, arms, buttocks and stomach.

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