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Top 20 Skin Cleaning Foods

You are what you eat and if this old adage is true, many of us are made of sugar and spice and all things nice! But in reality, junk food and sugary processed foods are not the best medicine for over-stressed and blemished skin. Your skin is the largest organ you have…and yes, it is an organ just like your heart, liver or kidneys!

Skin reflects general health…when we eat badly, our skin shows it. In a recent Australian study, doctors were able to reduce acne amongst young men following a natural diet by as much as 50%. This diet was simple and included foods which our hunter gatherer ancestors would have seen as normal.

If your skin is looking lacklustre, or you feel you are acne prone due to your eating habits…read on and arm yourself against ageing and skin conditions which do nothing to showcase your beauty! The top 20 skin cleaning foods are here for your enjoyment and for your health…so dig in and watch the magic!

  1. Dark Berries: We’re talking about blackcurrants, blackberries, sloes, raspberries and strawberries. These little powerhouses are so jammed full of antioxidants that just adding a handful to your daily fruit intake will see an improvement within weeks.
  2. Nuts: Full of Selenium which is a magic ingredient for fighting infection; nuts are often seen as a health food and for good reason. Some nuts are better than others when you’re on a skin diet…these include Brazil nuts and pumpkin seeds both of which are full of vitamin E, potassium and iron.
  3. Fennel: This is a super root vegetable which is much beloved by Italians. It not only aids digestion and reduces swelling in the abdominal area but it helps the body to flush out toxins which can cause spots and uneven complexions.
  4. Beetroot: This delicious vegetable is wonderful for the skin; it’s full of vitamin A, Magnesium and that vital vitamin E which encourages epidermal healing.
  5. Brown Rice: Slow release carbs like brown rice help you to keep your GI at a steady rate and stop those rushes of energy and inevitable down caused by eating too many white carbs. Stick to wholegrain and brown carbs as they are linked to skin’s health.
  6. Kale: This is a somewhat coarse green leafy vegetable which is far superior to the humble cabbage in that it is full to the brim with some otherwise hard-to-get vitamins and minerals, phosphorous and folate being just two of them!
  7. Avocado: You will have noticed avocado included in many skin care products and it’s for a good reason! Avocado has some intensely moisturizing properties and is thought to stimulate the production of collagen in the skin.
  8. Garlic: Not only good for keeping vampires at bay it also fights infection and so is excellent for anyone who suffers from acne. Eat it raw if you can bear the smell or cooked if you can’t….either way it’s amazingly good for you.
  9. Broccoli: Rammed to the rafters with vitamins A, B, C, E and K this vegetable really is a super-food. Don’t overcook it…lightly steam in order to retain the goodness.##CATEGORY-BANNER##
  10. Green Tea: Fragrant and refreshing, Greet Tea is also full of antioxidants which will help your skin to repair itself.
  11. Sweet Potato: This root vegetable is not only tasty but it’s also a complex carb which means it’s the “good sort”. It will release energy slowly, keeping your blood sugar levels on an even keel; fluctuating blood sugar is linked to skin problems so include these in your meals as often as possible.
  12. Mackerel: This oily fish is super for your skin owing to the presence of EPA and DHA which both fight acne.
  13. Nettle: Nettle soup is excellent for those with troubled skin as nettles are full of antioxidant and vitamins which fight infection.
  14. Chamomile: Chamomile tea and Chamomile ointment is excellent for inflamed or sore skin and can even assist in cases of psoriasis.
  15. Peppermint: Whether you eat the leaves or drink a tea made from them, this amazing herb has anti-inflammatory properties which will assist troubles skin.
  16. Lemongrass: Added to salads and stir fry this astringent herb is fabulous for tightening and minimizing pores it also has fungal fighting properties and can reduce acne breakouts when applied to the skin.
  17. Burdock: This weed-like herb is excellent for eczema, psoriasis and acne. It’s often included in a well known fizzy drink but can be used in many different ways to aid skin health.
  18. Apples: The humble apple…one a day can keep the dermatologist away! Apples are full of all the vitamins you need to keep your skin in top condition and not only that but they’re pretty tasty too!
  19. Eggs: In particular egg yolks which have tonnes of amazing ingredients in them such as selenium and zinc…both of which are great for keeping the skin clear.
  20. Artichoke: High in antioxidants these vegetables are amazing roasted in the oven and you can eat as many as you like safe in the knowledge that you’re feeding your skin.

Food for skin health is not a new concept but if your skin could be in better shape, then give the foods above a try; they’re the true super-foods and really will make an enormous difference to your skin if you eat them on a regular basis.

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