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Which Acne Scar Treatment Is Best For You?

Which Acne Scar Treatment Is Best For You?

Both the physical and emotional effects of acne can continue long after the actual acne has cleared up. They can leave permanent marks of the past behind which can be stressful and emotionally crippling for some.

What Causes Acne Scarring?

When your skin, or soft tissues are damaged, the body’s immune system will actively repair the site. Your immune system will send lots of white blood cells and various other fast acting molecules to try to combat any infection and heal any damage to the soft tissue. Once the infection is actively fought, or kept away and the injury is repaired, the skin may look different through the body’s repair system, resulting in a scar.

Can People Be More Susceptible To Acne Scarring?

It is not known if some people are more or less susceptible to acne scars because the scarring is so individual to each person. However, some people will naturally be more prone to acne scars through genetics, skin type and personal habits.

How long these scars remain, and how visible they are can also vary a lot from person to person. Some people can have the same acne scars for their entire life, while other people may find their scars actively decrease over time. Generally people with inflammatory acne will be the most likely to suffer from scarring. Also people who may not manage their acne well, and pick or scratch spots will be more prone to scarring.

Which Acne Scar Treatment Is Best For You?

If You Currently Suffer From Acne

Anti Acne Peel

If you currently have acne, this facial treatment combining Beta Hydroxy Acids and Alpha Hydroxy Acids will help reduce the amount of oil currently causing issues with your skin, leaving you with fresher and smoother skin. The treatment only takes an hour, leaves you with immediately improved skin, and it also actively encourages new skin cells to grow.

IPL Skin Rejuvenation

IPL rejuvenation addresses skin issues and leaves you with glowing and smooth skin after a few sessions. It is non-invasive and tackles acne scarring by using light to treat the entire face, exposing the skin to intense light pulses. A gel is applied to the target area just before the treatment to enable the light to actively penetrate the skin. Blemishes are destroyed leaving the surrounding healthy tissues untouched.

If You Are Suffering From Acne Scarring

Sublative Radio Skin Resurfacing

Sublative rejuvenation is a modern innovative technology designed to be incredibly effective with a wide range of skin issues, including acne scarring. The treatment uses a special device to penetrate the skin and stimulate collagen. So the treatment actively works from the inside out, simulating cell-regrowth. You will find you have smoother skin after just one 60 minute session – three 60 minute sessions in a month are recommended.


Dermapen Micro Skin Needling is an incredible new treatment which can improve acne scarring drastically. It uses a series of tiny needles which penetrate the skin at a vertical angle, causing thousands of micro injuries. This leads to an increase in collagen production which actively renews and rejuvenates skin and actively repairs scars.

Herbal Green Peel ®

GREEN PEEL ® skin treatment has been around for around half a decade and is globally recognised as an effective way to regenerate skin using only the power of plants. It is non-invasive, non-surgical and a completely natural way to help reduce acne scarring. The way it works is by increasing the blood circulation in the skin, causing the top layers of the skin to come away. This actively promotes skin regeneration.

Blue Peel

Obagi Blue Peel RADIANCE ® is a facial chemical peel which uses a special blend of acids to provide a gentle but effective peel which results in rejuvenated skin after just one session. It is ideal for acne scarring as it improves the appearance of the scars after just one session, although 4-6 sessions are recommended for optimum results.

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