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Before & After Morpheus8 Treatment (What to expect)

morpheus 8

What You Need to Know Before Morpheus8 Treatment?

Morpheus 8 technology combines microneedles and radiofrequency, making it the most effective treatment we offer in Premier Laser & Skin. It is essentially a non-surgical facelift and body contouring treatment – ​​minimally invasive but with profound results. Morpheus8 restructures the skin by stimulating collagen production both above and below. It tightens and smoothes the skin while improving problems like scars and hyperpigmentation.Finally, it can also target stubborn subcutaneous fat by coagulating fatty tissue.

How to prepare for Morphues 8 Treatment

Before your Morpheus8 treatment, it is important to avoid anything that may irritate the skin or interfere with its ability to heal. This includes: Avoid taking drugs that can affect blood clotting, such as aspirin and ibuprofen. You can take Tylenol if you want. Avoid excessive sun exposure and apply sunscreen carefully before and after Morpheus8. Refrain from using skin care products and pharmaceuticals such as retinoids and exfoliating acids. Avoid professional peels or microdermabrasion for 2 weeks before and after your appointment. A full list of descriptions will be provided when you book. You will also be asked to complete a consent form to confirm that you are a safe candidate for Morpheus8.

skin tightening treatments

How Long Does It Take For Your Skin To Heal After Morpheus8?

Since Morpheus8 is a microneedle, it is normal for your skin to be irritated after treatment. As long as you protect your skin and follow all aftercare instructions, it should heal quickly and easily within a few days, up to a week.
Side effects such as redness and swelling are common during the first few days. In some cases, small scabs may form on the skin about 24-72 hours after microneedle treatment. These are perfectly normal and should not be selected. Also, avoid wearing makeup during this time.
As long as you keep your skin moisturized and avoid potentially irritating conditions such as unprotected sun exposure, stimulating skin care routines, or hot environments like saunas and hot tubs, your skin will heal quickly. It should return to normal.

How Long Does It Take To See Results With Morpheus8?

After your first Morpheus8 treatment, your results will build gradually as your skin ramps up its collagen production. You may see some improvement a few days after Morpheus8, but you will see noticeable results by week 2-3. You’ll reach optimal results around 3 months after your final Morpheus8 treatment.

Before and after Morpheus8 Before and after Morpheus8

How Long Does Morpheus8 Last For? Is It Permanent? 

Morpheus8 results in long lasting results, especially when Morpheus8 is used to treat scars and hyperpigmentation. Remember, Morpheus8 cannot protect you from new photodamage or the formation of acne scars. Visible signs of aging are an inevitable part of being human. Morpheus8 does a great job of slowing and refraining from new wrinkles and sagging skin, but it cannot stop time. Most of our clients find their results last about 1-3 years, after which they can return for follow-up treatment. This is the best way to boost collagen production and maintain results over the years.

Where to Book Morpheus8

Now that you have a better understanding of what to expect out of Morpheus8 before and after, booking is easy! We offer this incredible skin-renewing treatment at select Premier Laser and Skin Clinic locations.

Available in Soho, & Liverpool St

Book your complimentary consultation today.  


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