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Best winter skin treatments

Best winter skin treatments

Sunshine leaves us earlier…
Roads get frosty early in the morning…
And now you can see your breath outside….

Say hello to winter.

During the colder months, our bodies go through many changes to adapt to the weather and to help us survive this season easier. Our metabolism works faster to keep us warm. Less water is stored in our bodies as there is less heating on the body less sweating. Also, we loose some of the natural moisture we have on our skin due to the cold and dry weather.

Winter skincare, by nature, should be different than your summer skincare. As the needs of your skin will change, the routines should chance too. And what about the clinical level of your skincare?

We’ve listed you the best 3 most popular skin treatments for the winter.

Best winter skin treatments

Dermapen Microneedling for winter

Dermapen Microneedling is an amazing treatment to help you to get rid of your skin imperfections. It creates controlled wounds on your skin and promotes its own healing process. Because the wounds on your skin are not actual wounds, your skin overcorrects the area and you end up erasing the last few year’s effects from your skin.

One of the most important parts during your dermapen treatment is after you had the treatment you need to stay away from the sun exposure for 1-2 weeks. During this time your skin healing process will be working actively and if you would get any suntan during this time, it may cause unwanted pigmentation and skin marks.

Dermapen microneedling treatment is performed in different settings. If it is your first time having the treatment, your practitioner will use the lower settings. This means the tiny needles will penetrate your skin 0.5-1mm. If you are having dermapen microneedling treatment regularly, then your practitioner can increase the level up to 2-2.5. The severity of your treatment will also be depending on your skin type and condition. If your skin thin and your skin condition is not too severe, your practitioner will prefer lower settings. The higher settings you get your treatment will give you bigger skin shedding after. If you are having a high setting treatment, sunshine will have more effect on your skin. So if you are suffering from some serious acne, acne scars, fine lines and wrinkles or pigmentation; winter is the best time to have your course of dermapen treatment.

Dermapen microneedling is one of our invasive skin treatments as, during your treatment, tiny needles will punctuate your skin to create micro-tears. Because of this, after your treatment, you can feel hot, tingling and a mild burning sensation on your skin. Most of our clients prefer having their dermapen microneedling treatments during the winter times as the colder weather is making the time after the process easier.


Best winter skin treatments

Hydrafacial for winter

Hydrafacial is one of our most popular treatments. It is non-invasive. Cleans and clears your skin, hydrates and gives you the immediate red carpet glow right after your treatment.
As we’ve mentioned during the winter times, your skin doesn’t store as much water as summer times. This way your body spends less energy to warm you up, as there isn’t an antra litre of water stored that it needs to heat up. Also, as cold air is less humid, your skin gets dried from outside as well as inside.
Hdyrafacial treatment provides your skin with the hydration it needs. Even though you change your skincare during the winter and you start using more oil-based moisturisers for a stronger effect, no skincare cream can reach the benefit of Hydrafacial.
With the winter season, we also experience higher pollution in the air. This pollution gathers on your skin and fills up your pores. This can then cause acne, blackheads or other skincare problems. With its cleaning and extracting formula, Hydrafacial will help you to get rid of the effects of winter pollution.
Winter times are also when we experience the most undereye puffiness. As days are shorter, we do use more artificial lights and it tires our eyes. This is one of the reasons for black under eyes or undereye puffiness. With the lymphatic drainage, which is the first step of Hydrafacial treatments, you can get rid of your undereye puffiness and can have a more refreshed look.


Best winter skin treatments

Skin peels for winter

We all have different skin needs but one thing is for sure, during the winter we need to take better care of our skin to make sure it doesn’t dry up. Otherwise, it can get patchy in a short time. And can get more fine lines and wrinkles in the long term.
At Premier Laser & Skin we offer many skin peels that would be suitable for your skin and it will provide what your unique skin type and condition would require.
With the correct skin peel to your skin type and condition, you can get rid of your acne problems, reduce fine lines and wrinkles, increase hydration, and give your skin its regular care.
If you don’t know which skin peel is the most suitable for you, you can speak to our skin experts. Our highly experienced practitioners offer free skin consultation to understand your skin type and complaints. They will offer you the correct bespoke skin peel for your unique results, and help you to achieve your skin goals.

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