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Don’t Let Stretch Marks Steal Your Confidence

Don’t Let Stretch Marks Steal Your Confidence

An estimated 80% of us, regardless of age or gender, will experience red and white stretch marks at some point in our lives. There are a vast number of causes such as a quick growth spurts during puberty, rapid weight gain and loss, and of course many women get them during pregnancy. The one thing they have in common is the hugely negative impact on our confidence, with many of us wanting to cover up the ‘tiger stripes’ up as much as possible.

Stretch Marks develop when the skin fibres overstretch and tear. This happens in the middle layer of the skin, the dermis. Premier Laser and Skin Clinic’s stretch mark removal treatments repair this layer of skin and eliminate the scarring.

Here are our best cures for zapping away stretch marks:

Dermapen Micro Skin Needling

The Dermapen Micro Skin Needling treatment is a collagen induction therapy. A tiny needle helps stimulate the skin to renew itself and repair any scarring. A topical anaesthetic is applied beforehand which numbs the area and then the hand-held Dermapen is slowly taken across the surface of the skin, section by section. The treatment can be used on the face for reduction in scarring and lines and wrinkles but it also is effective for stomach, legs and breasts to eliminate stretch marks. It takes up to 90 minutes depending on the size of the affected area. Instant results can be seen from just one session.

Sublative Fraction RF Skin Resurfacing

This rather fancy title simply means that this is a radio frequency (RF) treatment for deep (Sublative) layers of your skin. The RF frequencies promote collagen growth which causes the skin to contract and tighten thereby reducing any scarring and stretch marks. Because it only treats the deep layers of your skin there is hardly any redness or downtime. Stretch mark reduction can be seen after just one treatment. Prices start at £450 per session.

Stretch Mark Free
Radio Frequency Therapies Have Amazing Results on Reducing Stretch Marks

Infini Fractional RF With Skin Needling

You can get the best of both worlds with the Infini, which combines skin needling and radio frequency in one treatment. The skin needling is used to precisely stimulate collagen and elastin production in the epidermis where the stretch marks form. The break through 3D radio frequency is used to tighten the skin. It is available for all skin types and only takes 45 minutes. Results can be seen immediately and there is limited downtime. Stretch mark sessions starts from £500.

Click below for more information on

Dermapen Micro Skin Needling,

Sublative Fraction RF Skin Resurfacing

Infini Fractional RF With Skin Needling

To book a consultations click HERE or call +44 (203) 811-4985

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