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We are Introducing PicoSure Laser at Cannon Street

Picosure Pro Laser at Cannon Street

A Breakthrough in Hyperpigmentation Treatment

We’re thrilled to announce the latest addition to our state-of-the-art treatment lineup at our sister clinic, Derma Revive Clinic at Cannon Street: the revolutionary PicoSure Pro laser. As leaders in the field of cosmetic dermatology, we’re always seeking the most advanced solutions to meet our clients’ needs. With the launch of PicoSure Laser at Cannon Street, we’re setting a new standard for hyperpigmentation treatment and more.

The Quest for the Best Laser for Hyperpigmentation

Hyperpigmentation, a common skin concern, manifests as dark spots or patches on the skin, often resulting from sun exposure, ageing, or hormonal changes. While various treatments exist, finding one that offers both efficacy and safety has been a challenge. Enter PicoSure, the latest innovation in laser technology, which has quickly become the gold standard for treating hyperpigmentation.

Why PicoSure Stands Out

PicoSure is not just any laser. It’s the world’s first picosecond aesthetic laser, renowned for its precision and minimal downtime. Unlike traditional lasers that heat the targeted pigment, PicoSure uses ultra-short pulse bursts of energy to shatter the pigment into tiny particles, which are then naturally eliminated by the body. This process significantly reduces the risk of thermal damage to the surrounding skin, making it a safer option for all skin types.

Unmatched Efficacy

What sets PicoSure apart in treating hyperpigmentation is its unparalleled ability to target and eliminate even the most stubborn pigments. Whether it’s age spots, sunspots, melasma, or other forms of discolouration, PicoSure delivers visible improvements with fewer treatments compared to conventional lasers.

Versatility and Safety

PicoSure’s versatility extends beyond a pigmentation treatment. It’s also highly effective for laser tattoo removal and overall skin rejuvenation. Its safety profile is impressive, offering a solution for various skin types without the risk of complications associated with heat-based treatments.

PicoSure Laser at Cannon Street Clinic

Choosing our Clinics for your PicoSure treatment means entrusting your skin to experts. Our Cannon Street clinic is equipped with the latest PicoSure technology, and our team of skilled practitioners is trained to provide personalised treatments tailored to your unique skin needs.

Experience the Difference

From your initial consultation to your final treatment, our focus is on delivering exceptional care and results. We understand the impact of hyperpigmentation on your confidence and are here to offer a solution that works.

Join Us on the Journey to Clearer Skin

We invite you to discover the transformative power of PicoSure at our Cannon Street location. Whether you’re battling hyperpigmentation, seeking tattoo removal, or simply aiming for a more youthful appearance, PicoSure offers a promising solution.

Schedule Your Consultation Today

Ready to take the first step towards flawless skin? Book a Free Consultation and Patch Test and learn how PicoSure can benefit you. Let’s embark on this journey together, with our Skin Clinics leading the way to a brighter, clearer complexion.


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